Efficient results

Carrying out searches in good time results in better applications and prevents unintentional conflict with third party rights. Nowadays, anyone who is prepared to spend a little time can carry out his own enquiries over the Internet into patents, names, trademarks and company names, at virtually no expense. For example, the websites https://depatisnet.dpma.de and https://epo.org/searching-for-patents.html give free access to suitable information.

Nevertheless, our office is still asked to carry out such searches. Special software is used to search commercial databases in particular, e.g. all major patent, design and trademark databases. It is also possible to access databases providing company and credit information. As a result of representing many clients for decades the office took place in developments in many technical fields over this long period. We have an abundance of technical literature available which is in many respects unique.

For example in terms of company brochures or compilations of literature embracing many different subjects, we have a collection dating back to the beginning of the last century.

We also find it of importance to monitor third party property rights regularly. One cannot only, both at an early stage, gain information as to application activities of competitors, but is also in a position to attack protective rights of third parties.

Under “Special Monitoring”, the status of DE, EP, US and PCT property rights, and in some cases also rights in other countries, are checked at appropriate intervals for any changes, for instance in order to become aware in good time that a property right of interest has been granted, was divided or abandoned.